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First round I played, my very first roll was a 1. Alas!

This is great!

I just had the most silly fun time playing through this. I may or may not have played 15 rounds and died every time... I got all the way to dying of illness in bed in my first round though so I'm taking that as a win! Thanks so much for sharing this fun fast game with the world!

Love this idea, can't wait for the "Parent in a Disney Animated Movie" expansion pack

Hahaha but wait you might be onto something... Thanks for checking it out! 

Easy to play, funny, and fast. By the way, nice presentation! :) And ff course, I'm dead! I went out for a walk and ended up missing. Life is hard... :_(

I'm so glad you liked it!!! Honestly I'm impressed you made it far enough to go missing on your walk! I have to say, coming up with the list of ways the parent could die was the most fun part of writing this game.